
Who We Are
At KenWave we help pressure pipe owners save time, money, and resources by supplying information on the actual state of their pipes to support smart asset management choices. Our team is dedicated to offering innovative condition assessment solutions tailored to your specific needs.

How It Works
Condition Assessment
While KenWave’s condition assessment and leak detection technology does not fix pipes, it does help find what needs fixing or replacing, and what is in good shape. KenWave’s dynamic response data simplifies choosing the solution with the best combination of loss mitigation, life extension, risk minimization, and cost.

How It Works
Condition Assessment
While KenWave’s condition assessment and leak detection technology does not fix pipes, it does help find what needs fixing or replacing, and what is in good shape. KenWave’s dynamic response data simplifies choosing the solution with the best combination of loss mitigation, life extension, risk minimization, and cost.

So How Does It Work?
KenWave’s external sonic transducers generate special signals detected by non-invasive multi-parameter sensors, whose outputs are translated into wall-properties and defect location by special algorithms. This data helps improve spending effectiveness by:

Condition assessment of critical water distribution piping to ensure reliability and longevity

Field condition data to verify and enhance desktop-based asset management risk models, optimizing maintenance and renewal strategies

Tool in the toolbox to help holistically manage pressure pipeline systems by assessing hard-to-inspect pipelines

but what’s the mix?

Pipes are either assets or liabilities,
but what’s the mix?